Saturday, October 11, 2008


There is so much to say about my sweet daughter I don't even know where to begin. She was VERY stubborn until about 3 years old and then became likable. I have no idea where she got her stubborness from. Paytan is always willing to help with things around the house and taking care of her younger brothers. Jace has been her baby since the day he was born. She normally baths him and has since he was little. She cleans the house like it should be cleaned which I am so thankful for. Boys are so messy and unorganized. Her sweet spirit and truthfulness are my favorite traits about her. Even when I don't want to hear her opionion or disapprove I am thankful she is always willing to stand her ground. She has lots of friends who are good examples and believe in the same standards she does. Paytan loves kids and thankfully when tending for me she manages to keep the house clean and have fun with the boys. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful daughter. I LOVE YOU PAYTERS (even if you are daddies girl).

Paytan and our dog Buddy. He would let her climb all over him. He seemed to be happiest then.

Poor Paytan she was always so patient. I loved dressing her up and taking her picture from the day she was born.

That's my girl! Always having fun!


Ludvigson Family said...

Happy Birthday Peyton! You and Tyra have the same birthday. Congratulations on drill team, looks good!
btw- when are you going to come and babysit for me? I sounds like your mom has you trained good!

{dawn} said...

Happy Birthday! How old is she? I am going to guess 12? I love the picture of her and Buddy, that's cute, what a good dog :)

Julz said...

Happy late Birthday Paytan! 12 is such a fun age- you will love it!!