Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Birthday!!!

What a wonderful way to spend my day. I went on a field trip with Paytan and all the rest of the 5th graders to Zion National Park. Such a beautiful place. I spent the whole day with my daughter and loved every minute of it although I was really hoping that while I was gone Gino was home cleaning my house. HAHAHA!! That will be the day.Paytan and I had a great time and are planning on camping there soon.I loved it!

Mariah, Ana, Andrea, Jansyne, Mason, and Payterbug

What an awesome class. Mr Read is Paytans teacher what a great guy!This was one of the best field trips I have been on. We were rushed for time but I think everyone had a great time.


Tylers Third grade opera

This was so cute!! The third graders wrote their own opera about some college football players who didn't care about school so they got kicked off the team. They then had to go to the cheerleaders for help with their school work so they could get back on the team. Tyler is wearing his jersey that he wore for football this year #44. He says since they won the championship that he is going to retire the jersey. I guess it came out of retirment for a bit.

Tyler #44